Sciatalgia , Sciatic
:Neurological disorders - sciatica - plan of action - remedies
AGAR, bry, coloc, gnaph, lyc, mag-p, rhus-t
Repertory |
Position |
Time |
Motion | Motion:
Continued: Coloc Start: Rhus-t Motion amel /Immobility agg: Agar, Kali-bi, Valer, Rhus-t, Lyc, Ferr Open air amel: Kali-iSlow / Gentle moving amel: Ferr, Puls, Kali-p Getting up from chair: Aesc |
Touch | Touch agg: Coloc, Lach
Pressure agg: Kali-i, Lyc, Nux-v Massage / Physiotherapy: Aesc |
Quality | Neuralgic: Coloc
Bruising / Breaking / Lameness /Burning / Cutting: Rhus-t Tingling: Coloc, Gnaph Throbbing sciatica: Coloc, Lac-c Throbbing Back pain: Nux-v Spinal irritation = Very sensitive to touch: Tell |
Heat | Heat amel: Lyc, Ars, Mag-p, Nux-v
Heat agg: Led Cold agg: Bry, Nux-v Cold + Wet agg: Rhus-t, Ruta |
Locality | Shooting from hip to knee/Leg: Coloc, Lach, Lyc, Ruta
Shooting from hip to Ankle: Aesc Shooting from hip Downward: Plb Sacrum: Rhus-t Lumbar: Nux-v |
Side | Left: Kali-i
Right: Lyc Alternating sides: Gnaph |
Etiology |
Accompanied by |
First line remedies
- Pain accompanied by Burning / Tingling (Coloc ₳ Rhus-t)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - burning, with: Ars. bufo, gels. Gnaph. laugh. lyc. Phos. Rhus-t. ruta
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - numbness, with: cham. Coloc. GNAP. nux-v. Phyt. Rhus-t.
- Amel with bending the knee or bending the leg inside the stomach
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel.: Ars, graph. guaj. Kali-bi. Kali-i. tell Valer.
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. - abdomen, on the, amel
- Sciatica from hip to knee
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - hip to knee: elat. Lach. plan
Hips - TEARING, pain - extending to - sciatic nerve, down to: calc, lyc
Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic nerve: lach, Ruta
- Night agg esp at 4 am
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - midnight - 4 a.m
- Agg by movement, esp continuous movement (opposite to Rhus-t) (Coloc ₳ Rhus-t)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - walking, agg.: bar-c. Berb. Chinin-s. coff. Coloc. ign. laugh. Led. nat-act. nat-s. psor. Sulph. zinc.
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - continued, agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - rising, from seat
- Throbbing sciatica (Lac-c)
- Touch agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - touch, agg: CHININ-S, LACH, ...
- Vexation agg
- Righ-side
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - right: carbon-s, chel, chinin-s, Dios, Lach, Lyc, Phyt, plan, Sep, Tell
Rhus-t has a special pain in sacrum. Its quality is between Stretching and Heaviness of Lach and neuralgic pain of Coloc.
- Feeling like Bruising / Heaviness / Breaking / Lameness /Burning / Cutting
- Aggravation with Sitting / Standing and at the start of movement
- Amel with movement (Nux-v, Puls)
- Pain location: Sacrum
- Bending Backward agg
BACK - PAIN - Sacral region - bending - backward
BACK - PAIN - cutting - Sacral region - bending - backward, when
- Neuralgic pain caused by direct pressure of the protruding disc. (Agar ₳ Tell)
Back - DISKS, syndrome, slipped or ruptured vertebrae: AESC, BRY, HYPER
- Amel with Movement/ Walking (FERR, LYC, RHUS-T) (Agar ₳ Kali-i)
- Agg with stooping (Tell)
- Accompanied by dysuria.
- Movement amel and Immobility agg (Kali-bi, Valer, Rhus-t, Lyc, Ferr) (Agar ₳ Ruta)
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - sitting - agg: AM-M, LYC
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - standing - agg
- Sciatica in with Numbness / Burning (Coloc ₳ Gnaph)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - alternating, side - numbness, with
- Alternating side sciatalgia
- Lying down / Sitting agg
- Motion / Walking / Stepping agg
- Night agg (Like Kali-i)
- Pressure agg: Lying / Sitting on the affected side, (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t)
- Walking / Moving amel (Ferr ₳ Lyc) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t)
- Heat amel, esp bed heat (Lyc ₳ Mag-p) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t) (Ars ₳ Lyc)
- Stiffness + Sciatica (Lyc ₳ Nux-v)
- Burning Pain
- Periodic pain, esp every 4 days
- Right side
- Open air amel / Bed agg (Kali-i ₳ Puls)
- Pressure agg (Lyc): Sitting/ Standing/ Lying on pain side (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Kali-i ₳ Rhus-t) (Coloc ₳ Kali-i)
- Bending Leg amel (Coloc ₳ Kali-i) (Kali-i ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel: Ars. coloc. graph. guaj. Kali-bi, tell Valer
- Motion / Walking amel (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Kali-i ₳ Rhus-t) (Ferr ₳ Kali-i)
- Night agg
- Left side (Opposite to Lyc)
Other remedies
- Hanging legs agg
- Bending legs amel (Coloc ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. Ars, coloc, graph, gauj, Kali-bi, Kali-i, tell
- Agg by extending and stretching the legs (Ferr ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - stretching, the leg, agg: berb, Caps, cham, ferr, gauj
- Night agg
- Sciatica due to lumbar disc rupture (Aesc, Agar, Bry, Hyper) (Agar ₳ Tell)
- Pain spreads like a needle from the back to the pelvis and legs
- Spinal irritation = Very sensitive to touch
- Agg by lying down, esp on the affected area (Bry, Kali-i, Lyc, Rhus-t)
- Chronic sciatica that causes Contraction / Chronic spasm
- Flexing limb amel (Kali-i, Valer)
- Sudden movement agg (Coughing / Laughing / Sneezing)
- Stooping, agg.
- Left / Right sided
- Night agg
- Stool / Urination agg
- Drawing pain
- Cold agg
- Heat agg
- Sciatica esp after trauma (Arn, Hyper, Agar, Tell)
- Sciatica when going up (Agar) or down stairs (Am-m)
- Burning Pain
- Agg by Cold + Wet (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Beginning of movement agg (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Agg with Sitting/ Lying down and Amel with movement (Lyc ₳ Ruta) (Ferr ₳ Ruta) (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Neuralgic pain due to direct pressure of the protruding disc. (Aesc ₳ Agar)
- Hip / Lower limb pain travels to the ankle along the sciatic nerve
Hips - ACHING, pain - extending, along sciatic nerve – ankle: merc-i-r
Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic nerve - downwards: PLB
- Agg when getting up from a chair
- Amel with Massage / Physiotherapy
- Sciatica + Hemorrhoids
- Lumbosacral pain:
- Agg by bending forward
- Agg after stool
- Agg with standing
- Slow / Gentle moving amel (Ferr ₳ Puls)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - slow, amel: kali-p
- Sciatica pain from hip to knee (Coloc)
- Burning
- Agg after sleep (Led)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - sleep, after, agg: led
- Amel by lying down (Am-m)
- Climate change agg
- Sciatic Accompanying by
- Muscle contraction
- Hemorrhoids
- Feet Numbness / Tingling
- Throbbing back pain
- Pain extends to
- Groin
- Upwardly
- Agg with
- Wind exposure / Amel with Heat Application / Bed heat
- Humiliated/ Offended
- Lying on affected side (Kali-i ₳ Nux-v)
- Standing
- Raising up the leg
- During / After defecation
- Physical shock such as shaking (Tell, Bell)
- Nux-v is king remedy of Backache with many modalities such as
- Masturbation
- After / During difficult childbirth / Heavy lifting
- Bending
Tissue Salt Remedies
- FP: Sciatica due to exposure to cold
- MP: Neuralgic pain, sharp and sharp, like an electric shock
- KP: Constant, dull, vague pain