Calc-c, Calcerea carbonica

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Core them


  • Fear of insecurity and a desire for security.
  • Anything that disturbs this stability scares them. (Bad news about their family)
  • Paradox: He is afraid of events such as accidents, wounds, injuries, diseases (esp infectious diseases), metaphysical issues (Ghost, spirit, etc.). But he is curious about their news. An interesting example is those children who like to watch violent movies but are afraid of them.
  • He keeps his peace with his family so tries to keep the house calm despite his inner turmoil.
  • He is not worried about social affairs (unlike Caust) and is more concerned about his (family) insecurity
  • He is really dependent to his family

Full of Fears

  • Anything that disturbs the security and makes the atmosphere dumb makes them afraid.
  • Darkness, predatory animal
  • Disturbed financial conditions
  • Worried about the family (100% of cases)
  • Fear of bad news
  • Fear of losing Reason / Logic causes mental confusion (Act-r)


  • The disease worries him a lot. He is afraid of getting sick because Illness = Insecurity.
  • On the other hand, he has a lot of curiosity about diseases, which makes him learn about them.


  • He is mild and his disease are too
  • Basically, they are peaceful people. Their disease progresses slowly and is not noisy.
  • Their disease may not be diagnosed until advanced stages due to its slow and silent growth.
  • The presence of multiple symptoms and malignant diseases reduces the possibility of Calc diagnosis.
  • The word "very" is alien for Calc. He's not even "too" dependent or "too" big of a problem.
  • Usually, there are healthy women with few problems who refer because of irregular periods or heavy uterine bleeding.

Low energy

  • Calc is a good choice for the negative effects of excessive mental/physical activity (Worry, thinking, etc.).
  • Tendency to inactivity (Phlegmatic field)
  • He has problems with mobility.


  • Overall he is a positive person. He smiles.
  • He is Calm and Mild
  • His only sadness may be the sadness of those around him. Hence it may be confused with Nat-m. (Calc ₳ Nat-m)
  • In 80% of cases, prescriptions are easy, unlike complicated remedies such as Kali-c and Chin.
  • He did not have a strong internal parent and the child is leaking out.
  • He is a quiet (not noisy) child who has a history of digestive colic (Of course not as severe as Cham).

Head sweat

  • It is common but does not rule out (patients usually mention a localized perspiration.) (Sep)
  • Sweating during sleep and breastfeeding in infants
  • Excessive sweating during sleep (Sil, Sanic) (Calc ₳ Sanic)
  • Excessive Local sweat on Back, Neck, Occuput, and Upper parts of body (Sil)
  • Delayed and difficult teething with head sweat


  • Most of his body parts get cold quickly and heat bothers them quickly.
  • He is often warm in childhood (Puls, Sul) but gradually becomes cold in youth and middle age and
  • He feels cold inside his body. (Opposite to Ars, Sul) (Calc ₳ Sul) (Ars ₳ Calc)
  • Most of his problems are aggravated by cold.
  • Local cold feeling in small parts of the body (Kali-bi) such as head, stomach, stomach, foot and leg
  • Sensitive to Cold /Humid weather, gets cold early (unlike Sul) , (Dulc, Nat-s, Rhod, Rhus-t)

Skin disease

  • Eczema of the scalp + itching, esp in children, which scratching causes disturbed sleep
  • Ichthyosis

    Acute Disease- Dermatological disorders - ichthyosis: PHOS (Calc ₳ Phos)

  • Skin fungus

    Acute Disease- Pediatrics - tinea capitis and favus

Acute Disease- Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections

Sour smell:

  • Sweat smells sour but mildly sour.(The sourest remedy is Rheum)
  • Stool also smells sour (slightly more pungent than sweat).

Acute Calc

Calc is not acute remedy and in acute stresses converts to other remedies:

Calc -Stram - Hyos

  • Calc is very similar to Stram in 70% of cases and Hyos in the remaining 30%.
  • Stram is starring with fear and desperation
  • Hyos is worried and paranoid. (Calc ₳ Hyos)
  • Calc goes to Stram in stress and worry phase.

Likes to be attracted by others (Phos)

Suitable for Levere weakness / Loss of strength after nervous excitement and(Ars, Kali-p, Nux-v, Sep).

He is afraid of future misfortunes. (Anac, Chin-s, Graph, Psor)

Heartburn, tremors starting in the evening (Acon, Kali-c, Phos)

Depressed, despairing of recovery, with fear of death,

Disturbing thoughts with time modality

Menstrual problems

  • Calc is a female remedy
  • Early, intense and long menses (Chin, Ferr, Ham, Phos, Sep, Sul)
  • Secondary amenorrhea with anemia, scanty and suppressed menses
  • The least mental excitement causes menses to come forward (Sul, Tub)
  • Anemia with suppression or low volume menses (Alum, Ferr, Graph, Puls, Sep)


  • Cold / Wet feet (As if wearing wet socks)
  • Feet remain frozen even under cover
  • Burning of the soles of the feet due to sweating (Graph, Sanic, Sil)
  • Smelly feet


  • Dry coughs at night along with daily phlegm coughs (Hep, Puls)
  • Dyspnea esp when stepping (Ars, Bry, Phos)
  • Right chest pain
  • Purulent sputum (Hep, Merc)
  • Lung diseases in tall young people
  • Right-apex Pneumonia (Right lung rales similar to Ars) (Ars ₳ Calc)
  • Left-apex Pneumonia (Sul, Tub) (Calc ₳ Tub)
  • • In pneumonia of tall people, Phos and Tub are the main differential diagnosis of Calc.
  • Morning Voice-Hoarseness without pain (Carb-v, Caust)
  • Nasal Polyp (All-c, Aur, Calc-s, Con, Hydr, Kali-b, Lem-m, Merc, Phos, Sang, Sil, Sul, Teucr, Thuj)


  • He is better when he is constipated.
  • Chronic constipation: He must remove his stool mechanically (Aloe, Alum, Plat, Sanic, Sel, Sep, Sil)
  • Itching / Tickling of anus (Calc-s, Graph, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos)
  • White stool like chalk (Aur-m-n, Chel, Podo)
  • Chronic diarrhea, clay-like stools (Dig, Mag-c, Podo, Sil)


  • Rheumatism of the joints leading to nodosities (Am-m, Calc-f, Sil)
  • Cramps and locking of limbs, especially fingers and toes (Cupr, Mag-p, Sec)
  • Swelling and softness of bones (Aur, Merc, Sil
  • Destruction of bones (Asaf, Calc-f, Calc-s, Hep, Merc, Nit-a., Phos, Sil).
  • Bone formation disorders due to Malabsorption (Osteogenesis imperfecta)
  • Curvature of the bones, excessive opening of the fontanelles

Genito -Urinary tract

  • Offensive urine (Benz-ac, Canth, Nit-ac, Tereb, Viol-t)
  • White sediment in urine (Cina, Nat-m, Ph-ac)
  • Nocturia (Apis, Bell, Caust, Graph, Kreos, Mag-p, Nat-m, Puls)

Female Genital

  • Milky, thick and gushing leucorrhoea: (Am-c, Borx, Calc-p, Cop, Ferr, Kali-m, Puls, Sep)
  • Lecorrhea of ​​yoing girls (Cann-s, Merc, Puls, Sep)
  • Uterine polyps (Ars., Aur., Bell., Calc-P., Con., Lyc., Phos., Sang., Sep., Staph., Teucr., Thuj.)
  • Chlorosis (Anemia + Pale skin) with Scanty / Suppressed menses (Alum., Ferr., Graph., Puls., Sep.) (A.).
  • Inflammation(Redness / Swelling) of vaginal orifice (Ars, Borx, Calc-s, Kreos, Merc, Sep)
  • PCOD : (Calc ₳ Thuj)

Ear problems

  • Hearing impaired (Phos)
  • Otorrhea and purulent secretions (Calc-s, Hep, Merc)
  • Otitis media

Acute Disease- Pediatrics - otitis media

Remedy relations

  • Bell is the best complementary remedy in acute conditions of Calc
  • After Calc you can give Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Sil.
  • Calc is a good remedy after Nit-ac, Puls, Sul.
  • Give Calc after Sul, esp when the pupils are dilated.
  • Calc is good choice after Kali-bi in catarrh of the nose
  • According to Hahnemann you should not give Nit-ac after Calc
  • It is better not to give Sul after Calc. If you have to give a Lyc and then Sul
  • Calc in children may need to be repeated
  • Calc should not be repeated in elderly people, esp when the first dose is useful.



  • Malnutrition (Abrot, Calc-p, nat-m, Sanic, Sul)
  • She is thin but her appetite is good (Nat-m)
  • Tendency to obesity in young people
  • Egg lover: He tends to eat eggs when he is sick. (Hydr, Nat-p, Ol-an) (unlike Sul)
  • Pica (Alum)
  • Aversion to meat


  • Dilation of the Eye-pupils (Bell, Hyos, Stram)
  • Body swelling (Apis, Ars, Bry, Merc, Phos, Sul)
    • Esp facial and abdominal swelling in children
  • Feeling of dryness and internal shaking (Sul-ac)
  • Painful lymphadenopathy (Bell, Carb-An., Hep., Kali-M., Lach., Lyc. Merc., Nit-ac., Rhus-T., Sil.).

Radar suggestions:


Acute Disease- Psychological disorders - anxiety - classification - obsessive-compulsive disturbance : ARS (Ars ₳ Calc)

Petimal epilepsy

Acute Disease- Pediatrics - epilepsy petit mal : calc , sil.


Acute Disease- Pediatrics - laryngitis : bell , calc (Bell ₳ Calc)

Milk intolerance

Acute Disease- Pediatrics - milk intolerance calc , sil (Calc ₳ Sil)


Acute Disease- Cardiovascular disorders - palpitation


Acute Disease- Ear / nose / throat disorders - coryza


Acute Disease- Ear / nose / throat disorders - sinusitis : KALI-BI

Infections with unknown origin

Acute Disease- Infectious & parasitic disorders - uncertain etiology - sarcoidosis

Rectal polyp

Acute Disease- Gastrointestinal disorders - rectal polyps

Anemia, esp hemolytic anemia and pernicious anemia

Acute Disease- Hematological disorders - anemia - aplastic anemia : BENZOL

Acute Disease- Hematological disorders - anemia - hemolytic anemia - thalassemia minor : ARS

Acute Disease- Hematological disorders - anemia - pernicious anemia


Acute Disease- Hematological disorders - polycythemia vera

Infective endocarditis

Acute Disease- Cardiovascular disorders - infectious endocarditis

The homeopathic medicine for resistant leukorrhea, which sometimes leads to cauterization and Cryotherapy, is Calc, Ars, Sul.

It is true that Bell is suitable in attacks of diseases, but if relapses are frequent, give Calc


  • Skin, digestion, female genitalia, knee arthritis,
  • Anxiety,
  • Moderate metabolic syndromes (obesity, insulin resistance, slightly increased fat, sugar, liver enzymes)
  • Sweating while moving
  • Children remedies

Kent clinical experience

Tendon weakness

  • In weakness of tendons caused by trauma, Arn is not enough and Rhus-t can be used instead.
  • If after Rhus-t, the weakness still remains, give Calc. After Calc, Staph could complete the treatment


  • Buzzing hair Hirsutism of women's face (Na-m, Sul, Psor) (Calc ₳ Sul)

Sore throat only during menses (Lac-c)

Noise sensitivity (Epigastrium discomfort) (Kali-c, Phos)

Marasmus emaciation (General muscular atrophy + Large abdomen) (Sul)

Any effort and activity is associated with uterine bleeding (Nit-ac)

Her period does not stop during breastfeeding. Sil is also the same and interestingly, when the baby is breastfeeding, Sil's period starts

Milk-colored leucorrhea in girls


  • Inflammation, pain and infection around a foreign body requires Hep, but if surrounding tissue is calcified, give Calc.


  • Developmental arrested which causes late talk and walk.
  • Nat-m is only slow in learning to talk and Calc in walking, as if Calc's problem is more bone-joint oriented.

If you force Calc to do things quickly, he will get a headache

Lyc baby gets headache from hunger

Seeing sparks in front of his eyes is characteristic for Calc (Aur above visual field).

Infantile eczema which has severe itching that does not improve with scratching.

In Gout with structural change, give Sul and without that changes Calc or Lyc are useful

Painful skin cracks behind the ears