Toothache: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "=== Repertory === * Alternating days: Cham * Children: Cham, Mag-p * Cold weather Rhus-t * Chronic Caust * Coffee agg: Cham * Dentist procedures: ARN, HYPER, Nux-v * Face swelling: Bell, Bry, Lach, Merc, Sep, Sil * Healthy teeth: Acon, Cham, Coff, Mag-c * Mental activity agg: Agn, Nux-v * Menses agg: Sep, Staph * Pressure agg: Cham * Smoke agg: Spig * Smoke amel: Merc, Nat-c, Nat-s * Stitching pain to Cheek: Mang, Sil * Stitching pain to Ears: Kreo...")
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|title={{#if: {{{Toothache|}}} | {{{Toothache}}} | Welcome to WikiSEO}}
|keywords={{{Toothache, Homeopathy, Homeopathic remedies, Homeopathic medicines|}}}
=== Repertory ===
=== Repertory ===
{| class="wikitable"
=== Modalities ===
=== Stitching Pain extends to ===
=== Others ===
* Cold weather: [[Rhus-t, Rhus toxicodendron|Rhus-t]]
* Coffee agg: [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]]
* Mental activity agg: [[Agn, Agnus Castus|Agn]], [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]]
* Menses agg: Sep, [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]]
* Pressure agg: [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]]
* Smoke agg: [[Spig, Spigelia Anthelmia|Spig]]
* Smoke amel: [[Merc, Mercurius Solubilis|Merc]], [[Nat-c, Natrum Carbonicum|Nat-c]], [[Nat-s, Natrum Sulphuricum|Nat-s]]
* Tea agg: Sel, [[Sep, Sepia|Sep]]
*Cheek: [[Mang, Manganum metallicum|Mang]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]]
* Ears: [[Kreos, Kreosotum|Kreos]], Mang, Merc, Rhod, [[Sep, Sepia|Sep]], [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]]
* Eyes: Calc-p, [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]], [[Mag-c, Magnesia Carbonica|Mag-c]]
* Head: [[Ant-c, Antimonium Crudum|Ant-c]], [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]], [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]], [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]]
* Larynx: [[Alum, Alumina|Alum]], [[Mang, Manganum metallicum|Mang]]
* From one tooth to other one: [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]]
*[[Periodicity remedies|Alternating days]]: [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]]
* [[Children remedies|Children]]: [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]], [[Mag-p, Magnesia Phosphorica|Mag-p]]
* Chronic: [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]]
* Dentist procedures:  [[Arn, Arnica Montana|ARN]], [[Hyper, Hypericum Perforatum|HYPER]], [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]]
* Face swelling: [[Bell, Belladona|Bell]], [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]], [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]], [[Merc, Mercurius Solubilis|Merc]], [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]], Sil
* Healthy teeth: [[Acon , Aconitum Napellus|Acon]], [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]], [[Coff, Coffea cruda|Coff]], [[Mag-c, Magnesia Carbonica|Mag-c]]
* [[Hysteria|Hysteric]]: [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|IGN]]. [[Sep, Sepia|Sep]]
== Remedies ==
=== [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]] ===
* Agg by anything warm is taken into the mouth esp with coffee
* Agg on entering a warm Room/ Bed
* Agg during [[Female remedies|Menses]] / [[Pregnancy]]

* Alternating days: [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]]
=== [[Coff, Coffea cruda|Coff]] ===
* Children: Cham, Mag-p
* [[Neuralgia , Neurologic pain remedies|Neuralgic pain]] in the teeth and face
* Cold weather Rhus-t
* Amell with ice water
* Chronic Caust
* Agg with heat
* Coffee agg: Cham
* Agg with touch
* Dentist procedures:  ARN, HYPER, Nux-v
* Face swelling: Bell, Bry, Lach, Merc, Sep, Sil
* Healthy teeth: Acon, Cham, Coff, Mag-c
* Mental activity agg: Agn, Nux-v
* Menses agg: Sep, Staph
* Pressure agg: Cham
* Smoke agg: Spig
* Smoke amel: Merc, Nat-c, Nat-s
* Stitching pain to Cheek: Mang, Sil
* Stitching pain to Ears: Kreos, Mang, Merc, Rhod, Sep, Staph
* Stitching pain to Eyes: Calc-p, Caust, Mag-c
* Stitching pain to Head: Ant-c, Ars, Bry, Cham
* Stitching pain to Larynx: Alum, Mang
* Stitching pain to one tooth to other one: Bry
* Tea agg: Sel Sep

=== [[Kreos, Kreosotum|Kreos]] ===
* Toothache due to decayed teeth
=== [[Hyper, Hypericum Perforatum|Hyper]] ===
* Excellent remedy for nerve pain esp after Surgery /[[Trauma remedies|Injury]] / Root canal

=== [[Tissue Salt Remedies]] ===
=== [[Tissue Salt Remedies]] ===

* CF
* [[CF, Tissue Salt Remedy|CF]]
* MP
* [[MP, Tissue Salt Remedy|MP]]: Crampy, Stitching pain
* FP
* [[FP, Tissue Salt Remedy|FP]]: Pain and [[Inflammation remedies|inflammation]]
=== Related to ===
* [[Pain remedies]]

Latest revision as of 10:53, 19 November 2023



Stitching Pain extends to




  • Agg by anything warm is taken into the mouth esp with coffee
  • Agg on entering a warm Room/ Bed
  • Agg during Menses / Pregnancy


  • Neuralgic pain in the teeth and face
  • Amell with ice water
  • Agg with heat
  • Agg with touch


  • Toothache due to decayed teeth


  • Excellent remedy for nerve pain esp after Surgery /Injury / Root canal

Tissue Salt Remedies

Related to