Sciatalgia , Sciatic
Radar rubric |
Neurological disorders - sciatica: |
Position |
Time |
Motion |
Touch |
Quality |
Heat |
Locality |
Side |
Etiology |
Accompanied by |
First line remedies
Left Side |
1. Colocynthis – For Sciatica Of
When and How to take Colocynthis?
It is best suited to patient with left-sided sciatica pain. The pain is reduced by pressing the affected area and applying warmth. Colocynthis works wonders in 30C potency. This potency requires frequent repetition, 2-3 times in a day. In fact, it also works well in higher potency like 200C and 1M but it is advisable to consult your homeopathic physician before using higher potencies.
2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Sciatica Of Right Side
Magnesia Phosphorica is a reliable prescription for right-sided sciatica. The sciatica pain is cutting/ shooting/ stabbing or stitching in nature. Pain starts in the lower back and extends down the right hip, thigh, the hollow of knee and leg. Pressure or warm applications may offer relief. In some cases, uncovering the lower limb worsen the pain.
When and How to take Magnesia Phosphorica?
Mag Phos is a useful remedy which helps in sciatica pain with symptoms mainly occur on the right side. Identical to Colocynthis, this remedy is needed for a person who gets better by applying pressure and warmth.
It can be referred as homeopathic pain reliever. It is commonly used in biochemic form in ‘6X potency’, and is taken in tablets. The frequency and number of tablets depends on the severity of symptoms. Unless recommended otherwise, it can be taken 3-4 times in a day. It is advisable to contact your homeopathic doctor, if there is no noticeable improvement after taking medicine.
3. Gnaphalium Polycephalum – For Sciatica With Pain And Numbness
Gnaphalium Polycephalum is the most useful medicine for sciatica pain attended with numbness. It is also indicated where sciatica pain alternates with numbness. Folding thighs towards the abdomen provides some relief. Gnaphalium Polycephalum is also prescribed in sciatica cases where pain is confined to the calves and feet.
When and How to use Gnaphalium Polycephalum?
This medicine is an undoubted effective treatment for sciatica when pain is accompanied with numbness. Normally, higher potencies are not advisable and are not to be repeated very often. So, it is suggested to use in 30C potency and can be repeated twice in a day.
If there is still no improvement after repetition of doses, seek professional guidance from a homeopathic physician.
4. Bryonia Alba – For Sciatica That Worsens While Walking
Bryonia Alba is the most effective homeopathic medicine for sciatica that gets worse while walking. The slightest motion may worsen sciatica in such cases. Lying down absolutely still provides some relief. Bryonia Alba is also prescribed when the person feels relief by lying down on the affected side. The hip and leg of the affected side may feel heavy. The pain is tearing in nature from the hip through the back of the thigh and into the calf.
When and How to use Bryonia alba?
The main feature to use this medicine is when sciatica pain gets worse by the slightest movement but gets better by rest. Lower potency 30C can be used and repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M potency are not repeated frequently and should be used cautiously.
5. Rhus Tox – For Sciatica That Becomes Painful With Rest
For sciatica pain that gets bad at rest or while sitting, Rhus Tox is the ideal prescription. Lying on the painful side could worsen the pain in such cases. Walking or movement of the affected limb offers relief. Along with severe pain, a burning sensation may be felt in the lower limbs. Rhus Tox also works wonderfully well in treating sciatica that arises from lifting any heavy weight. There is a cramp like pain in the leg. The patient has an inability to sit in one position for a long time.
- Pain accompanied by Burning / Tingling (Coloc ₳ Rhus-t)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - burning, with: Ars. bufo, gels. Gnaph. laugh. lyc. Phos. Rhus-t. ruta
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - numbness, with: cham. Coloc. GNAP. nux-v. Phyt. Rhus-t.
- Amel with bending the knee or bending the leg inside the stomach
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel.: Ars, graph. guaj. Kali-bi. Kali-i. tell Valer.
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. - abdomen, on the, amel
- Sciatica from hip to knee
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - hip to knee: elat. Lach. plan
Hips - TEARING, pain - extending to - sciatic nerve, down to: calc, lyc
Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic nerve: lach, Ruta
- Night agg esp at 4 am
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - midnight - 4 a.m
- Agg by movement, esp continuous movement (opposite to Rhus-t) (Coloc ₳ Rhus-t)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - walking, agg.: bar-c. Berb. Chinin-s. coff. Coloc. ign. laugh. Led. nat-act. nat-s. psor. Sulph. zinc.
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - continued, agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - rising, from seat
- Throbbing sciatica (Lac-c)
- Touch agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - touch, agg: CHININ-S, LACH, ...
- Vexation agg
- Righ-side
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - right: carbon-s, chel, chinin-s, Dios, Lach, Lyc, Phyt, plan, Sep, Tell
- Rhus-t has a special pain in sacrum. Its quality is between Stretching and Heaviness of Lach and neuralgic pain of Coloc.
- Feeling like Bruising / Heaviness / Breaking / Lameness /Burning / Cutting
- Aggravation with Sitting / Standing and at the start of movement
- Amel with movement (Nux-v, Puls)
- Pain location: Sacrum
- Bending Backward agg
BACK - PAIN - Sacral region - bending - backward
BACK - PAIN - cutting - Sacral region - bending - backward, when
- Neuralgic pain caused by direct pressure of the protruding disc. (Agar ₳ Tell)
Back - DISKS, syndrome, slipped or ruptured vertebrae: AESC, BRY, HYPER
- Amel with Movement/ Walking (FERR, LYC, RHUS-T) (Agar ₳ Kali-i)
- Agg with stooping (Tell)
- Accompanied by dysuria.
- Movement amel and Immobility agg (Kali-bi, Valer, Rhus-t, Lyc, Ferr) (Agar ₳ Ruta)
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - sitting - agg: AM-M, LYC
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - standing - agg
- Sciatica in with Numbness / Burning (Coloc ₳ Gnaph)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - alternating, side - numbness, with
- Alternating side sciatalgia
- Lying down / Sitting agg
- Motion / Walking / Stepping agg
- Night agg (Like Kali-i)
- Pressure agg: Lying / Sitting on the affected side, (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t)
- Walking / Moving amel (Ferr ₳ Lyc) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t)
- Heat amel, esp bed heat (Lyc ₳ Mag-p) (Lyc ₳ Rhus-t) (Ars ₳ Lyc)
- Stiffness + Sciatica (Lyc ₳ Nux-v)
- Burning Pain
- Periodic pain, esp every 4 days
- Right side
- Open air amel / Bed agg (Kali-i ₳ Puls)
- Pressure agg (Lyc): Sitting/ Standing/ Lying on pain side (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Kali-i ₳ Rhus-t) (Coloc ₳ Kali-i)
- Bending Leg amel (Coloc ₳ Kali-i) (Kali-i ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel: Ars. coloc. graph. guaj. Kali-bi, tell Valer
- Motion / Walking amel (Kali-i ₳ Lyc) (Kali-i ₳ Rhus-t) (Ferr ₳ Kali-i)
- Night agg
- Left side (Opposite to Lyc)
Other remedies
- Hanging legs agg
- Bending legs amel (Coloc ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. Ars, coloc, graph, gauj, Kali-bi, Kali-i, tell
- Agg by extending and stretching the legs (Ferr ₳ Valer)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - stretching, the leg, agg: berb, Caps, cham, ferr, gauj
- Night agg
- Sciatica due to lumbar disc rupture (Aesc, Agar, Bry, Hyper) (Agar ₳ Tell)
- Pain spreads like a needle from the back to the pelvis and legs
- Spinal irritation = Very sensitive to touch
- Agg by lying down, esp on the affected area (Bry, Kali-i, Lyc, Rhus-t)
- Chronic sciatica that causes Contraction / Chronic spasm
- Flexing limb amel (Kali-i, Valer)
- Sudden movement agg (Coughing / Laughing / Sneezing)
- Stooping, agg.
- Left / Right sided
- Night agg
- Stool / Urination agg
- Drawing pain
- Cold agg
- Heat agg
- Sciatica esp after trauma (Arn, Hyper, Agar, Tell)
- Sciatica when going up (Agar) or down stairs (Am-m)
- Burning Pain
- Agg by Cold + Wet (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Beginning of movement agg (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Agg with Sitting/ Lying down and Amel with movement (Lyc ₳ Ruta) (Ferr ₳ Ruta) (Rhus-t ₳ Ruta)
- Neuralgic pain due to direct pressure of the protruding disc. (Aesc ₳ Agar)
- Hip / Lower limb pain travels to the ankle along the sciatic nerve
Hips - ACHING, pain - extending, along sciatic nerve – ankle: merc-i-r
Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic nerve - downwards: PLB
- Agg when getting up from a chair
- Amel with Massage / Physiotherapy
- Sciatica + Hemorrhoids
- Lumbosacral pain:
- Agg by bending forward
- Agg after stool
- Agg with standing
- Slow / Gentle moving amel (Ferr ₳ Puls)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - slow, amel: kali-p
- Sciatica pain from hip to knee (Coloc)
- Burning
- Agg after sleep (Led)
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - sleep, after, agg: led
- Amel by lying down (Am-m)
- Climate change agg
- Sciatic Accompanying by
- Muscle contraction
- Hemorrhoids
- Feet Numbness / Tingling
- Throbbing back pain
- Pain extends to
- Groin
- Upwardly
- Agg with
- Wind exposure / Amel with Heat Application / Bed heat
- Humiliated/ Offended
- Lying on affected side (Kali-i ₳ Nux-v)
- Standing
- Raising up the leg
- During / After defecation
- Physical shock such as shaking (Tell, Bell)
- Nux-v is king remedy of Backache with many modalities such as
- Masturbation
- After / During difficult childbirth / Heavy lifting
- Bending
Tissue Salt Remedies
- FP: Sciatica due to exposure to cold
- MP: Neuralgic pain, sharp and sharp, like an electric shock
- KP: Constant, dull, vague pain