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== [[Sehgal Rubrics|Sehgal rubrics]] ==
* Here you see First Degree of practical [[Sehgal]] rubrics according to REDISCOVERY OF HOMOEOPATHY ROH Books Series IV in [[Sehgal Method]]
* Other important rubrics are seen in
** [[Sehgal Second Degree Rubrics]]
** [[Sehgal Third Degree Rubrics]]
** [[Sehgal Forth Degree Rubrics]]
** [[Sehgal Fifth Degree Rubrics]]
** [[Sehgal Sixth  Degree Rubrics]]
** [[Sehgal Children Rubrics]]
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|Anger, interruptions from: Cench, Cham, Cocc, Dulc, Graph, Hell, Nux-v, Spong
=== [[Anger from interruptions|Anger, interruptions from]] ===
[[Cench, Cenchris Contortrix|Cench]], [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]], [[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]], [[Dulc, Dulcamara|Dulc]], [[Graph, Graphites|Graph]], [[Hell, Helleborus Niger|Hell]], [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]], [[Spong, Spongia Tosta|Spong]]
*Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
*Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
*Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.
*Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.
*My ailments are a source of obstruction in every type of my activity.  
*My ailments are a source of '''obstruction in every type of my activity'''.
*I cannot shave properly because I can't raise my hands up to my face. I can not eat properly as I can't move my jaws.
*Definitely all this annoys me.
*I can't walk properly as my knees don't bend. Definitely all this annoys me."
*The stiffness in elbow joint did not allow me to shave properly as I could not lift the arm to the face. This annoys me
|'''Anger, touched when''': Ant-c, Cham, Cina, Iod, Lach, Tarent
*Coming into contact with the fingers or hands or any part of someone's body
=== [[Touched rubrics|Anger, touched when]] ===
*Sometimes touch is pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, may convey friendly feelings or evil designs and invite reaction accordingly. This is about physical touch. There is another more important in this context where words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.
Ant-c, [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]], [[Cina]], [[Iod, Iodium|Iod]], [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]], [[Tarent, Tarentula Hispanica|Tarent]]
Versions: -- ""
*If words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.
*Because of my ailments, ideas come to mind that if I die what will happen to my children.
*If I die '''what will happen to my children'''? There is none to look after them. They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone.
*There is none to look after them.  They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone.  
*'''I have never thought of doing any wrong to others''' then '''why all this suffering for Me''' / My children.
*These sentiments move my mind violently to argue that I have never thought of doing any wrong to others then why all this suffering for me and my children.
|'''Anticipation, complaints from'''
=== [[Anticipation anxiety|Anticipation]], ailments from ===
*Anticipation: Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
*Anticipation: Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
*Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.
*Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.
*I am going out station. There if my trouble aggravates and I am not confident that I shall be able to manage it so I suggest that you must be me some medicine as stand by so that I can meet the emergency
*If my trouble agg and I could not be able to manage it.
*You must give me some medicine as stand by so that I can meet the emergency.
|Business, talks of
*Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others.  It shows business being the main concern in one's mind.
=== Anxiety, others for ===
|My people have wrong impression about me.  Actually nothing worries me I simply try to know and exchange information, with others about my work.  As to the progress made in the projects left by me unfinished etc
[[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]], [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]], ...
|'''Anxiety, others for'''
* Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
|Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
*I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble.
*I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble.
*Although I may not be able to help them
*Although I may not be able to help them
|'''Bed, desire to remain in'''
*Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
=== [[Cares others about|Cares, full of]] ===
[[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]], [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]], [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]], [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]]
*To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.
*If I am told to remain in bed for all the twenty-four hours. I shall be happy.
* I think as if all the worries of the world are meant for me. All the time my mind is occupied by one or the other worry.
*I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me
|'''Business, incapacity for'''  
|Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business.
=== [[Clinging vs Carried desire|Clinging]], to persons or furniture ===
|My work do interest me but I do not feel, I have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it
[[Bar-c, Barium Carbonicum|Bar-c]], [[Borx, Borax|Borx]], [[Cina]], [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]], [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]], [[Stram, Stramonium|Stram]]
* Clinging: sticking or coming closer by embracing.
* Sticking or coming closer to persons or furniture by embracing
* Sticking or fastening oneself to anything tightly or closely with no idea of leaving it as long as one's faith allows it.
# The child selects one of his family member as a preference he will not like to go to another
# '''If you could cure a case of cancer you will definitely  able to cure me because my case is not that serious'''. This idea convince me to stick to you.
# A'''fter a lot of consideration, enquiries and assurances from others that I decide upon a doctor,''' that is why I do not leave him easily.
=== Confusion of mind,  muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away ===
[[Anac, Anacardium Orientale|Anac]], Aster, Cic, Con, [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Hell, Helleborus Niger|Hell]], [[Lil-t, Lilium Tigrinum|Lil-t]], [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]], Phys
* This rubric indicates the relationship between the mind and the functions of the body. All depends upon the firmness of mind.  If the mind becomes weak and accepts excuses, the body has to offer for its malfunctioning then body assumes control over the mind and vice versa.
* This rubric may be changed as '''Muscles obey the will so long as the will is strong'''.
# I am carrying on just on the strength of my will. Anyone in my position could pull on.
# I try my best to keep control over myself. The pain disturbs me too much and ultimately a stage is reached when I am unable to hold myself and cling to Someone / Medicine, against my wishes.
# He has a very strong will. He bears pain as long as possible and will not disturb us. But when the pain goes out of his control he Clings/ Starts talking to anyone who is near.
*Wanting something but knowing not what.
=== Delirium, blames himself for his folly ===
*That this why rejects those very things desired by him a moment before.              
[[Op, Opium|Op]]
|In a state of imbalanced mind the person holds himself responsible for a fault and treats his action as foolish.
#This much I am sure that there is some relief after taking your medicine. But I can't tell exactly in what respect of in what proportion.
* I am suffering because of my own folly. Yesterday I was on an invitation. Food was very tasty. I knew that I was eating beyond my capacity. Even then I did not listen to my inner voice and the result is before you, I am having a severe pain in my stomach
#Doctor I can tell you only this much that I require medicine and I am not well and nothing more than this because I myself do not know in detail as to what is exactly my problem.  So is try to prescribe without asking anything more about my sickness."
*Being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong.
=== [[Help rubrics|Delirium, crying for help]] ===
*To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious before anything happens and careful while doing something .
[[Canth, Cantharis vesicatoria|Canth]], [[Stram, Stramonium|Stram]]
|In a state of delirium man is uttering loudly 'save', ' save'.
*There was a patient who would always bring in writing the minutest details about his sickness and even while reading them to me he will try  to recollect and add if he found that something was left. When he was told that those details were not needed by me, he replied, " You may take it as my carefulness I feel you must get complete information about my sickness, to give the right medicine . In case you do not give full attention to what I say, I would not be able to trust your medicine.
* My condition is alarming. 
* Take it serious. 
* Doctor! please do something. Otherwise I shall be no more.
|Cares, full of
*To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.
=== [[Help rubrics|Delusions, help calling for]] ===
|I think as if all the worries of the world are meant for me . All the time my mind is occupied by one or the other worry
[[Plat, Platinum metallicum|Plat]]
* A sensation, a feeling from within (through sensory nerves) is conveying that the system has started asking for help. Earlier to this it was thought that a little aid in the form of tea, milk or some home made stimulants will suffice to tide over the crisis. But the trouble could not be stopped or checked and ultimately the need for help , 'save', 'save', has reached.
* I am not feeling well, since many days. But I did not take it seriously in the beginning. I thought that with the help of some aid in the form of tea or hot drinks things will be okay. But now after so many days I feel that the situation is going out of my hand and I must get the proper medicine otherwise the disease will pull me down.
=== [[Injury Rubrics|Delusions, is being injured]] ===
|Sensation as if the person is continuously being harmed.
* I am in trouble now. The whole body is aching.
* Pains, feeling of nausea and severe headache ,etc are as if injuring me.
=== Delusions, poor thinks he is ===
[[Bell, Belladona|Bell]], Calc-f, Hep, Mez, Nux-v, Sep, Stram , Valer
* One who is short of as much of something as is required to remove poverty.
* I am not quiet fit. It is as if I am lacking in general efficiency. This may be due to age also. I accept that age has its own bearing
=== Delusions, thin is getting   ===
[[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]
* The process seems to be continuous, the sensation is that he is getting thin day by day.
#I feel I am losing fat day by day. ('''Slowly''') I am not worried, but quite conscious about it
# I don't know the reason but I feel that day by day I have been losing the grit, the force the confidence which once used to be reflected in the way of my talking on my face.
=== Delusions, thin body is ===
[[Thuj , Thuja Occidentalis|Thuj]]
* His body is already thin. So getting thin means that his energies are gradually getting diluted which are heading him towards grave and the other is he is already thin. So getting thin and may break anytime.
* This is a sensation about the structure of the body. About the mental set up he feels that he is losing or has lost grit, guts or self-confidence.
* I feel that I am thin and not up to the mark. Can you do anything? I want to gain some fat.
* In spite of being fat and without the sign of thinness she feels she is half of her old size.
=== [[Delusion wrong suffered|Delusions, wrong as suffered]] ===
[[Hyos, Hyoscyamus Niger|Hyos]], [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]], [[Lyss, lyssinum|Lyss]], [[Naja, Naja tripudians|Naja]]
* He has been subjected to injustice or made to undergo injustice.
* May be because of his own mistakes or by the deeds of others.
# '''People around me have not been fair to me'''
# '''Your medicine seems to have harmed me''' instead of giving some relief
# '''I expected some relief and you say your medicine has aggravated'''. I never wanted it. '''I have been deceived'''  
=== [[Disconcerted]] ===
[[Brom, Bromium|Brom]], [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]] 
* Defeated, deprived of harmony, frustrated.
* '''Accepts the defeat and ceases further efforts.'''
* My hands are up. I cannot bear agg anymore.
* I am sorry I am abandoning your treatment.
* Thought, Disconcerted, disease, of, incurable of some:  [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]], [[Ruta, Ruta graveolens|Ruta]], [[Merc, Mercurius Solubilis|Merc]]
=== [[Disturbed averse to being|Disturbed , averse to being]] ===
Bry, Cocc, [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], Nux-v, Sep, Sul, ...
* If already disturbed wants to remove disturbance, if settled will not like to be unsettled. What can be disturbed?  Something that is at peace or rest or stationary. Also displaced from its seat or from its original position.
* This may be otherwise also. Something is already disturbed and is trying to regain its original position i.e. the state of peace and in that process of restoration if he gets interference of any kind, he will not like it and resent it. 
# Once I take a position, I do not like to change it. As it takes away from me, the comfort which I somehow or the other try to manage.
# I get internally unsettled, '''I want to regain my original state of Mind / Body.'''
# '''If I get rid of of this pain, I shall be alright.'''
# I want to sit or lie down, I feel for it but I am unable to, act as I wish
=== [[Embarrassed ailments after|Embarrassed, ailments, after]] ===
Ambr, Bar-c, Gels, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nat-m, Op, Phos, Plat, Puls, Sep, Sul, Tarent
* Embarrassed: '''To be uncomfortably self conscious'''
* Getting over conscious about oneself after the ailment has passed away and realizing the gravity of the problem concerning health and trying to think seriously about it.
* '''His disease attack was very severe'''. He tries to draw Doctor's attention towards the intensity of the ailment he suffered from in the previous night.
* This he does with greater stress so that you should give more importance to what he thinks you should. "But why don't you like to give due importance to your present condition which is definitely better than before?"
* I am so terrified that when I imagine about the severity of the attack which I had last night, I fail to understand, how could I bear it and pass it without harm?
* When I think of it that if it happens again I do not think I shall be able to stand it."
|39.    '''Cares, full of trifles about'''           A
=== Fear, betrayed of being ===
Meanings :- Trifles (n): things of little importance.
[[Hyos, Hyoscyamus Niger|Hyos]]
* Fear: A sort of discomfort aroused by an impending pain, danger or evil which is specific in  nature . A person can identify the subject of his fear.                  
* Betrayed: Deceived.
* Fear of being deceived by persons, situations and or events.

Interpretation :- To worry even for matters of very little importance.

Versions :- "It is only the minor things that worry her more.  I am surprised why it should be like that.  To her all it looks necessary.
* Doctor, if you do not mind , '''I shall like to know, whether you have treated an identical case (to that of mine) in the past.'''
* As you suggest, I shall have to abandon allopathic medicine and depend on yours. I am worried '''if your medicine do not work, what will be my lot.''' Because the disease is somewhat under control now. Lest I be deprived of what I already have.
=== Fear extravagance of ===
[[Op, Opium|Op]]   
* Extravagance: Excess in any matter
* Doctor, previously '''you were never taking so much time'''. So much so that very serious ailments were treated by you within a short time. Now for this minor trouble you are taking too much time.
=== [[Feigning sick|Feigning, sick]] ===
* Feigning: Assuming an appearance of sickness.  To represent fictitiously one's own condition of health.
* Sometimes through different types of gesture I have to make it known that I am not well.  At occasions I have to represent my sickness in an exaggerated way in order to get their assistance and attention to that exten I need.
=== [[Frivolous]] ===
[[Bell, Belladona|Bell]], [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]  
* Not worth to serious notice.
* Characterized by lack of seriousness. Unserious.
* Taking things easily.  Do not become that serious as usually people do in similar situation as he is in.
*It a special behavior, neglecting important things such as his health.
*He is not informed it yet
* I am not much bothered about my sickness. Because I do not feel that it is of any significance. It is my husband who has generally been admonishing me for this. 
* I am a careless person so for my health is concerned. It is at his insistence that I have come to you for the treatment. I think it will heal by itself.
=== Hides, things ===
* Cross reference: Naked wants to be
* Hides: Prevents from being seen                     
* Things (n): objects without life
* Hides things, facts, deeds, affairs, actions, intentions etc.
|I generally do not try to hide things from anyone, but sometimes a situation may demand that you have to put a cover on a particular issue. Yet I will not able to do it for too long a period. Because if I find that to prolong hiding will mean telling a lie I will uncover the hidden fact promptly. 
=== [[Mortification|Indignation, discomfort, from a general]] ===
* Discomfort (n) from general: state of uncomfortable feeling because of having been disrespected, although in a general, way.
* One has not been provided due reception or the comfortable place of sitting etc. worthy of his dignity of which others or not aware.
* '''There is no one to attend to me properly and offer me a seat''' but at least receive me with respect and requests me to wait till the doctor is free, I will take it as a disrespect to me and will not wait even for a moment and leave the place
=== [[Pain rubrics|Irritability, pain during]] ===
Acon, Arn, Ars, Canth, Cham, Chin, Coff, Ign, Nux-v, Op, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep
* In other words, it is the degree of strain the nerves have to bear.  After a limit the stress of strain is felt and it starts taking the shape of sufferings. This stress when aggravated further takes the shape of pain.
* It is in the state of excessive strain on nerves which plunges a person into a state of annoyance.
* So long as the pain there I remain irritated. I shall not like to talk to anyone. As if I am annoyed with everyone and everything around me.
* It is not necessary that the pain should be in the body, it may be in the mind. Because if I find something unjustified it also annoys me and brings the same changes in my attitude as above.
=== [[Light desire for|Light, desire for]] ===
* Light: something that makes things visible or affords illumination
* Desire for something with the help of which one achieve knowledge or remove darkness about anything.  Here as a patient one should be inclined to know about the nature of his disease, whether it is curable or not etc.
* Doctor please tell me if there is any hope of recovery.  If you give me some assurance I will start treatment with you.  Because I am not a doctor and not supposed to know whether or not my disease is curable. So, if you think you can cure me. I shall accept your version because whatever use a will be based on your experience in similar cases
=== Longing, repose for tranquility ===
Kali-s, Nux-v, [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]
* Repose: A state in which no emotion can disturb.
* Longstanding desire for rest to achieve that state of calmness of mind which prohibits the disturbing emotion to effect it is any way.
* '''Many times I think of going away to some holiday''' resort to take rest from this daily routine and to achieve peace of mind '''but I am not finding time.'''
=== [[Disconcerted|Recognizes, everything but cannot move / Catalepsy in]] ===
[[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]], [[Sang, Sanguinaria canadensis|Sang]]
* Recognizes: Identifies as something as previously known or from  knowledge of appearance or existing truth.
* This rubric may be changed to 'Recognizes the reality and accepts it.' Identifies the truth which cannot be changed and reconciles with it without complaint.
* In very plain words & without emotions she tells that '''she knows that her disease is not curable then why should she worry about it'''?
* Adds further, "'''My job is to make efforts and not think beyond that"'''

Latest revision as of 23:16, 23 August 2024

Sehgal rubrics

Anger, interruptions from

Cench, Cham, Cocc, Dulc, Graph, Hell, Nux-v, Spong

  • Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
  • Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.
  • My ailments are a source of obstruction in every type of my activity.
  • Definitely all this annoys me.
  • The stiffness in elbow joint did not allow me to shave properly as I could not lift the arm to the face. This annoys me

Anger, touched when

Ant-c, Cham, Cina, Iod, Lach, Tarent

  • If words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.
  • If I die what will happen to my children? There is none to look after them. They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone.
  • I have never thought of doing any wrong to others then why all this suffering for Me / My children.

Anticipation, ailments from

  • Anticipation: Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
  • Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.
  • If my trouble agg and I could not be able to manage it.
  • You must give me some medicine as stand by so that I can meet the emergency.

Anxiety, others for

Cocc, Phos, ...

  • Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
  • I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble.
  • Although I may not be able to help them

Cares, full of

Cocc, Ign, Puls, Staph

  • To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.
  • I think as if all the worries of the world are meant for me. All the time my mind is occupied by one or the other worry.

Clinging, to persons or furniture

Bar-c, Borx, Cina, Gels, Phos, Puls, Stram

  • Clinging: sticking or coming closer by embracing.
  • Sticking or coming closer to persons or furniture by embracing
  • Sticking or fastening oneself to anything tightly or closely with no idea of leaving it as long as one's faith allows it.
  1. The child selects one of his family member as a preference he will not like to go to another
  2. If you could cure a case of cancer you will definitely able to cure me because my case is not that serious. This idea convince me to stick to you.
  3. After a lot of consideration, enquiries and assurances from others that I decide upon a doctor, that is why I do not leave him easily.

Confusion of mind, muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away

Anac, Aster, Cic, Con, Gels, Hell, Lil-t, Nux-v, Phys

  • This rubric indicates the relationship between the mind and the functions of the body. All depends upon the firmness of mind.  If the mind becomes weak and accepts excuses, the body has to offer for its malfunctioning then body assumes control over the mind and vice versa.
  • This rubric may be changed as Muscles obey the will so long as the will is strong.
  1. I am carrying on just on the strength of my will. Anyone in my position could pull on.
  2. I try my best to keep control over myself. The pain disturbs me too much and ultimately a stage is reached when I am unable to hold myself and cling to Someone / Medicine, against my wishes.
  3. He has a very strong will. He bears pain as long as possible and will not disturb us. But when the pain goes out of his control he Clings/ Starts talking to anyone who is near.

Delirium, blames himself for his folly


In a state of imbalanced mind the person holds himself responsible for a fault and treats his action as foolish.
  • I am suffering because of my own folly. Yesterday I was on an invitation. Food was very tasty. I knew that I was eating beyond my capacity. Even then I did not listen to my inner voice and the result is before you, I am having a severe pain in my stomach

Delirium, crying for help

Canth, Stram

In a state of delirium man is uttering loudly 'save', ' save'.
  • My condition is alarming. 
  • Take it serious. 
  • Doctor! please do something. Otherwise I shall be no more.

Delusions, help calling for


  • A sensation, a feeling from within (through sensory nerves) is conveying that the system has started asking for help. Earlier to this it was thought that a little aid in the form of tea, milk or some home made stimulants will suffice to tide over the crisis. But the trouble could not be stopped or checked and ultimately the need for help , 'save', 'save', has reached.
  • I am not feeling well, since many days. But I did not take it seriously in the beginning. I thought that with the help of some aid in the form of tea or hot drinks things will be okay. But now after so many days I feel that the situation is going out of my hand and I must get the proper medicine otherwise the disease will pull me down.

Delusions, is being injured

Sensation as if the person is continuously being harmed.
  • I am in trouble now. The whole body is aching.
  • Pains, feeling of nausea and severe headache ,etc are as if injuring me.

Delusions, poor thinks he is

Bell, Calc-f, Hep, Mez, Nux-v, Sep, Stram , Valer

  • One who is short of as much of something as is required to remove poverty.
  • I am not quiet fit. It is as if I am lacking in general efficiency. This may be due to age also. I accept that age has its own bearing

Delusions, thin is getting  


  • The process seems to be continuous, the sensation is that he is getting thin day by day.
  1. I feel I am losing fat day by day. (Slowly) I am not worried, but quite conscious about it
  2. I don't know the reason but I feel that day by day I have been losing the grit, the force the confidence which once used to be reflected in the way of my talking on my face.

Delusions, thin body is


  • His body is already thin. So getting thin means that his energies are gradually getting diluted which are heading him towards grave and the other is he is already thin. So getting thin and may break anytime.
  • This is a sensation about the structure of the body. About the mental set up he feels that he is losing or has lost grit, guts or self-confidence.
  • I feel that I am thin and not up to the mark. Can you do anything? I want to gain some fat.
  • In spite of being fat and without the sign of thinness she feels she is half of her old size.

Delusions, wrong as suffered

Hyos, Lach, Lyss, Naja

  • He has been subjected to injustice or made to undergo injustice.
  • May be because of his own mistakes or by the deeds of others.
  1. People around me have not been fair to me
  2. Your medicine seems to have harmed me instead of giving some relief
  3. I expected some relief and you say your medicine has aggravated. I never wanted it. I have been deceived  


Brom, Ign 

  • Defeated, deprived of harmony, frustrated.
  • Accepts the defeat and ceases further efforts.
  • My hands are up. I cannot bear agg anymore.
  • I am sorry I am abandoning your treatment.
  • Thought, Disconcerted, disease, of, incurable of some: Ars, Ruta, Merc

Disturbed , averse to being

Bry, Cocc, Gels, Nux-v, Sep, Sul, ...

  • If already disturbed wants to remove disturbance, if settled will not like to be unsettled. What can be disturbed?  Something that is at peace or rest or stationary. Also displaced from its seat or from its original position.
  • This may be otherwise also. Something is already disturbed and is trying to regain its original position i.e. the state of peace and in that process of restoration if he gets interference of any kind, he will not like it and resent it. 
  1. Once I take a position, I do not like to change it. As it takes away from me, the comfort which I somehow or the other try to manage.
  2. I get internally unsettled, I want to regain my original state of Mind / Body.
  3. If I get rid of of this pain, I shall be alright.
  4. I want to sit or lie down, I feel for it but I am unable to, act as I wish

Embarrassed, ailments, after

Ambr, Bar-c, Gels, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nat-m, Op, Phos, Plat, Puls, Sep, Sul, Tarent

  • Embarrassed: To be uncomfortably self conscious
  • Getting over conscious about oneself after the ailment has passed away and realizing the gravity of the problem concerning health and trying to think seriously about it.
  • His disease attack was very severe. He tries to draw Doctor's attention towards the intensity of the ailment he suffered from in the previous night.
  • This he does with greater stress so that you should give more importance to what he thinks you should. "But why don't you like to give due importance to your present condition which is definitely better than before?"
  • I am so terrified that when I imagine about the severity of the attack which I had last night, I fail to understand, how could I bear it and pass it without harm?
  • When I think of it that if it happens again I do not think I shall be able to stand it."

Fear, betrayed of being


  • Fear: A sort of discomfort aroused by an impending pain, danger or evil which is specific in  nature . A person can identify the subject of his fear.                  
  • Betrayed: Deceived.
  • Fear of being deceived by persons, situations and or events.

  • Doctor, if you do not mind , I shall like to know, whether you have treated an identical case (to that of mine) in the past.
  • As you suggest, I shall have to abandon allopathic medicine and depend on yours. I am worried if your medicine do not work, what will be my lot. Because the disease is somewhat under control now. Lest I be deprived of what I already have.

Fear extravagance of


  • Extravagance: Excess in any matter
  • Doctor, previously you were never taking so much time. So much so that very serious ailments were treated by you within a short time. Now for this minor trouble you are taking too much time.

Feigning, sick

  • Feigning: Assuming an appearance of sickness.  To represent fictitiously one's own condition of health.
  • Sometimes through different types of gesture I have to make it known that I am not well.  At occasions I have to represent my sickness in an exaggerated way in order to get their assistance and attention to that exten I need.


Bell, Sul  

  • Not worth to serious notice.
  • Characterized by lack of seriousness. Unserious.
  • Taking things easily.  Do not become that serious as usually people do in similar situation as he is in.
  • It a special behavior, neglecting important things such as his health.
  • He is not informed it yet
  • I am not much bothered about my sickness. Because I do not feel that it is of any significance. It is my husband who has generally been admonishing me for this. 
  • I am a careless person so for my health is concerned. It is at his insistence that I have come to you for the treatment. I think it will heal by itself.

Hides, things

  • Cross reference: Naked wants to be
  • Hides: Prevents from being seen                     
  • Things (n): objects without life
  • Hides things, facts, deeds, affairs, actions, intentions etc.
I generally do not try to hide things from anyone, but sometimes a situation may demand that you have to put a cover on a particular issue. Yet I will not able to do it for too long a period. Because if I find that to prolong hiding will mean telling a lie I will uncover the hidden fact promptly. 

Indignation, discomfort, from a general


  • Discomfort (n) from general: state of uncomfortable feeling because of having been disrespected, although in a general, way.
  • One has not been provided due reception or the comfortable place of sitting etc. worthy of his dignity of which others or not aware.
  • There is no one to attend to me properly and offer me a seat but at least receive me with respect and requests me to wait till the doctor is free, I will take it as a disrespect to me and will not wait even for a moment and leave the place

Irritability, pain during

Acon, Arn, Ars, Canth, Cham, Chin, Coff, Ign, Nux-v, Op, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep

  • In other words, it is the degree of strain the nerves have to bear.  After a limit the stress of strain is felt and it starts taking the shape of sufferings. This stress when aggravated further takes the shape of pain.
  • It is in the state of excessive strain on nerves which plunges a person into a state of annoyance.
  • So long as the pain there I remain irritated. I shall not like to talk to anyone. As if I am annoyed with everyone and everything around me.
  • It is not necessary that the pain should be in the body, it may be in the mind. Because if I find something unjustified it also annoys me and brings the same changes in my attitude as above.

Light, desire for

  • Light: something that makes things visible or affords illumination
  • Desire for something with the help of which one achieve knowledge or remove darkness about anything.  Here as a patient one should be inclined to know about the nature of his disease, whether it is curable or not etc.
  • Doctor please tell me if there is any hope of recovery.  If you give me some assurance I will start treatment with you.  Because I am not a doctor and not supposed to know whether or not my disease is curable. So, if you think you can cure me. I shall accept your version because whatever use a will be based on your experience in similar cases

Longing, repose for tranquility

Kali-s, Nux-v, Sul

  • Repose: A state in which no emotion can disturb.
  • Longstanding desire for rest to achieve that state of calmness of mind which prohibits the disturbing emotion to effect it is any way.
  • Many times I think of going away to some holiday resort to take rest from this daily routine and to achieve peace of mind but I am not finding time.

Recognizes, everything but cannot move / Catalepsy in

Cocc, Sang

  • Recognizes: Identifies as something as previously known or from  knowledge of appearance or existing truth.
  • This rubric may be changed to 'Recognizes the reality and accepts it.' Identifies the truth which cannot be changed and reconciles with it without complaint.
  • In very plain words & without emotions she tells that she knows that her disease is not curable then why should she worry about it?
  • Adds further, "My job is to make efforts and not think beyond that"