Psor, Psorinum

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Good starter

  • One of the best starter remedies s in chronic diseases
  • Esp after scarlet fever
  • Allen suggests Psor in chronic diseases where the correct remedy was not effective.
  • Psor has the same position in chronic disease that Sul in acute ones.

GENERALS - CHRONIC DISEASES, to begin treatment: calc, calc-p, Nux-v, puls, Sulph, tub

GENERALS - CHRONIC DISEASES, to begin treatment - scarlet fever; after

  • Good remedy for weakness in recovery period of acute diseases (Carb-v, Sul, Tub), esp when child has lost fluid.

GENERALS - LOSS - fluids, of - children; in (Nurslings)


  • Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases. Appetite will not return.
  • The patient is extremely chilly and hungry with foul carrion-like odour.
  • Psor is located between Sul , Syph , Hep , Tub and Arn
  • Allen: Give Psor to a patient for whom Sul was a good remedy but did not work (Psor ₳ Sul)
  • Excellent remedy in the septic and foul-smelling condition that occurs during the recovery period (Pyrog)
  • Psor is Hurried like Sul + Flatulence like Olean, Aloe + Constipation even with loose stools like Alum, Chin, Nux-v
  • Radar suggest Psor in mania along with Hyos, Lach and Stram

File:Psor eruption 1.png
Scrotal desquamating eruption



  • Open air Agg (Calad, Nat-m)
  • Sitting up straight Agg (Laur) /Lying down Amel
  • Amel by opening the arms to the sides (Opposite to Ars)

Accompanied by

  • Cough after suppressing itching or eczema
  • Alternation of asthma with skin rashes

    RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - alternating with - eruptions

  • Chest pain / Palpitations + Dyspnea

CHEST - PAIN - Heart - accompanied by - respiration; difficult


  • Psor has multiple skin problems like Sul such as Acne, eczema, psoriasis and Herpetic rashes.
  • Esp on skin folds and behind the ears
  • Greasy skin, esp on the face
  • His hair is tangled / stuck together / frizzy and lusterless (Lyc, Bar-c, Sars, Tub)
  • His scalp has foul-smelling secretions.

Herpetic rashes

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections: graph, Hep, Mez, nat-m, Petr, puls, rhus-t

File:Circinate path.png
Circinate patch
  • On the Scrotum / Groin
  • Red/copper colored patches
  • Fine wet crusts
  • Hollow ring patches

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - circinate

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - patches

EYE - ERUPTIONS - Lids - scaly herpes

Scaly rashes, Scabies

  • Desquamation behind the ear with sticky and smelly secretions (Graph)
  • Dry and rough skin and small scales, esp on head

SKIN - ERUPTIONS – desquamating


SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - scaly

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - psoriasis

It is the second remedy for (Acute /Chronic) scabies after Sul

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - scabies

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scabies - suppressed - merc and sul; by

  • Heat agg (Onset of itching on entering the bed)
  • Severe itchiness
  • Pimple-like rash


Dermatological disorders - urticaria andioedema  APIS


  • Unbearable itching, he scratches until bleeding
  • Pruritis: Itchy skin without rash
  • Itching leads him to complete despair / Insomnia /Terrible sleep (Nat-m)

SKIN - ITCHING - despair from itching

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - itching - warmth - bed; of - agg.

SKIN - ITCHING - warm - bed; on becoming warm in

Purulent rash

  • Little but continuous secretions that are sticky and smelly (Graph, Mez)
  • The rash quickly ends is pus (Hep)
  • Profuse sweating after acute diseases, which makes him feel better (Calad, Nat-m)


  • The psoriatic eruptions disappears in summer only to occur in winter.
  • Dirty, rough, scabby and greasy skin
  • Nape of the neck, scalp, folds of the skin and groins are typically affected.
  • Sever itching which agg by heat of bed. He scratch it till raw and bleeds.
  • Psoriatic after long lasting grief.


  • Face (Na-m, Sul, Calc)


Thin and hungry

  • He is very hungry and eats regularly, but he is still weak.
  • He is so hungry that it disturbs his sleep.

    STOMACH - APPETITE - increased - night

Dirty and smelly/ Offensive

  • Chronic / Recurrent Funky Mucous discharge such as nose (sinusitis) , expectoration, menses , eye, ear discharges
  • Stool/ Flatulence / Anus

Ear / nose / throat disorders - otitis medi

SKIN - ULCERS - discharges - offensive - putrid

  • He hawks and expels piecemeal and foul-smelling phlegm (Kali-m)


  • Fear and despair about future
  • Thinks he is a loser/ Miserable
  • Desperate and pessimistic, he may even think of suicide
  • Feelings of intense loneliness and being forgotten.
  • Concerned about his health, so that he is completely hopeless about recovery.
  • Tiredness and restlessness at night (Ars)
  • He blames himself for his anxiety. (Nux-v, Puls, Lyc)

Cold and weak


  • Restless thin /Bony child with skin rashes
  • A child who is restless and hyperactive day and night needs Tub
  • Child's restlessness during skin rash

    MIND - RESTLESSNESS - eruptions - with - children; in

  • Nocturnal urinary incontinence Infant diarrhea

    RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in-nurslings

  • He does not sleep day and night and cries constantly (Jal), but he is refreshed in the morning. (Allen)
  • A child who is good and plays during the day but is restless all night (opposite to Lyc)

MIND - IRRITABILITY - children, in - good all day, cross all night : Jal

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - children, in - night - morning fresh and lively; but in the

SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - children, in - fretful from bedtime to morning; next day lively

MIND - TALKING - sleep, in - children, in

MIND - WEEPING - children, in - night

MIND - WEEPING - children, in - night - toss all night: Rheum

MIND - IRRITABILITY - night - children; in - babies; in sick

MIND - IRRITABILITY - children, in - sleepless - day and night

MIND - IRRITABILITY - sleeplessness, with - children, in

SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - children, in – babies: carc


  • Ocular migraine
  • Optic neuritis: Headache after Spot-flying flies/ Blurred vision / Even blindness (Lac-d, Kali-bi, Cycl)
  • He feels hungry during headache and gets better by eating (Anac, Kali-p)
  • Headache caused by suppression of rash
  • Menses during headaches that improves with nosebleeds (Meli)
  • Headache caused by exposure to air drought.

GI tract

  • Wakes up in the middle of the night with hunger (Cina, Sul, Lyc)
  • Sore throat with the smell of rotten eggs (Arn, Ant-t, Graph)
  • Sudden morning diarrhea + Urging (Sul, Aloe)
  • Diarrhea, esp during teething or after acute / severe diseases
  • Chronic constipation caused by rectal inactivity (Sul)
  • Dark stools, very smelly and runny, which is worse at night (Podo)


  • MIND - DESPAIR - itching of the skin, from
  • MIND - FEAR - cancer; of
  • MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of
  • MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of
  • MIND - FEAR - neglected, of being
  • MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking - street; across a busy
  • MIND - DEATH - conviction of - after fever, epistaxis amel