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  • Vertigo is a condition in which a person has the sensation of movement or of surrounding objects moving when they are not. Often it feels like a spinning or swaying movement.
  • This may be associated with nausea, vomiting, sweating, or difficulties walking.
  • It is typically worse when the head is moved.
  • Vertigo is the most common type of dizziness.
  • Dizziness affects approximately 20–40% of people at some point in time, while about 7.5–10% have vertigo. About 5% have vertigo in a given year.


  • Vertigo is classified into either peripheral or central, depending on the location of the dysfunction of the vestibular pathway, although it can also be caused by psychological factors.
Peripheral Central
  • Caused by problems with the inner ear or vestibular system, which is composed of the semicircular canals, the vestibule (utricle and saccule), and the vestibular nerve is called "peripheral", "otologic", or "vestibular" vertigo.
  • Central vertigo may not improve or may do so more slowly than vertigo caused by disturbance to peripheral structures. Alcohol can result in positional alcohol nystagmus (PAN).
Viral miasms STLE
  • MMP only: Con, Puls, Sill, Bell, Phyt, Aur, Bar-m, Iod
  • VZV only: Sul, Ars, Sep, Canth, Iris, Nat-m , Ran-b, Rhus-t, Thuj, Agar, Arg-n, Cocc, Mez, Nat-c, Zinc
  2. Gels, Op, Cupr, Lach, Merc, Sul, Bell
  3. Nux-m, Cocc, Alum, Hell, Plb, Agar


Peripheral Vertigo

Central Vertigo


Con Gels Cocc
  • Tinnitus, Nervous, Sleep on going, Ataxia, weakness, Chilliness, true vertigo
  • Agg: High, looking upward, Mental exertion, bending forward, Closing eyes, Dark room, Crossing bridge, walking
  • Agg: Closing eyes, Bending forward, Breakfast after, rubbing eyes, Smoke
  • Sinking

Suppressed eruption

Phos Agar
  • Cerebellar vertigo (Nystagmus, Ataxia, staggering)
  • Accompanies by Agitation
  • True vertigo (turning in a cycle)
  • Agg: Rolling head / Moving /Walking
Sil Bell
  • Sensation of Fullness / Pressure in the head.
  • Dizziness, lightheaded, and disoriented.
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Vertigo due to sinus congestion or ear infections.
  • Faint like, Sinking
  • Closing eyes Agg
  • Sleep after Agg
  • Eruption suppression (Phos)
  • Accompanied by Heart symptoms (Phos)
  • Acute Vertigo + Ear noise
  • Pregnancy during
  • Vertigo tinnitus, esp in high places
  • Periodic, Sinking
  • Causation (Smoke, Eye exertion, High, Coffee)

Acute vertigo remedies


Both Peripheral and Central Vertigo Etiology/ Modalities
Loss Of Balance / Dizziness


  • Both Peripheral and Central Vertigo
  • Difficulty in walking which causes staggering gait
  • Accompanied by
    • Dim vision,
    • Double vision
    • Heaviness of eyelids
    • Dizziness/ Lightheaded/ Faint Staggering / Weakness
    • Trembling/ Sweating/ Pounding heart.
    • Tinnitus
  • Walking agg (mostly)
  • Triggered by Emotional stress / Anxiety / stage fright
  • Pregnancy
  • Senile problems (Phos)
  • High places (Phos)
Nausea, Vomiting


  • Both Peripheral and Central Vertigo (Phos, Ther, Con)
  • Psychologic vertigo
  • Everything turning around him
  • Accompanied
    • Nausea / Vomiting during travelling.
    • Motion sickness / Jet lag, particularly traveling by car or boat.
    • Dizziness, weak, and lightheaded /Faint sensation
    • Occiput pain
    • Staggering, Falling sides / Sudden loss of balance
    • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
    • Difficulty in hearing or feeling of ear blockage
    • Dread of sudden noise
  • Opening eyes (opp to Arg-n),
  • Motion, rising, sitting up or standing
  • Insomnia
  • Supportive anxiety
  • Chill/ Coldness agg /Warm amel
  • Being alone amel
  • Senile people (Phos, Gels, Sul)
Vertigo During Headache


  • Both Peripheral and Central Vertigo
  • Accompanied by
    • Headache due to Cervical Spondylosis.
    • Sinking sensation
    • Tendency to fall to the left side or backward
    • Tinnitus
    • Red face
    • Epistaxis
    • Heart problems/ Hypertension
    • Head congestion/ Stroke
    • Dilated pupil
  • Movement, when turning in bed, turning head, Bending double
  • Stooping or from rising from stooped position
  • Headache amel by applying pressure or binding the head.
  • Agg
    • Noise
    • Eruption suppression
    • Senile people
    • Lying
    • Pregnancy
Only Peripheral Modalities / Etiology
Ringing Noises


  • Periodical episodes of tinnitus
  • Sudden attack of vertigo followed by tinnitus
  • He may lose balance and fall.
  • The noises can be buzzing, ringing or roaring
  • Difficulty in standing and frequently falls down.
  • Headache
  • Most common homeopathic remedy of Meniere’s disease (Hearing loss+ Tinnitus and vertigo occur.)
  • Vertigo mainly agg on stooping.
Top remedy


  • Peripheral Vertigo
  • As if moving around in a circle.
  • Tendency to fall sideways.
  • Accompanied by
    • Weakness or trembling.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Agg from head movement (Key indication)
  • Agg from turning in bed / Sudden Movements / Changes in position/ While rising from a seat or bed.
  • Walking agg
  • Best remedy of BPPV
  • Age-related changes in the inner ear.
Buzzing Noises


  • Hears a buzzing noise in the ear.
  • Sudden episodes of vertigo that may follow the buzzing noise in the ear and tinnitus attacks that are synchronous with heartbeats
Tinnitus + Nausea


  • Troublesome nausea.
  • Noises in the ear can be roaring, ringing, or buzzing (similar to flies or a swarm of bees)
  • He may hears musical noises
  • Meniere’s disease (Vertigo+ Diminished hearing+ Intense nausea)
Upon Closing Eyes


  • Flare-up of vertigo increases with the closure of eyelids,
  • He comes up with complaints of Nausea / Vomiting along with vertigo
  • Sensitive to noises and may not be able to bear loud noises at most times.
Fullness in Ears


  • It is also useful for noises in the ears.
  • There is a crackling noise in the ears on swallowing.
  • Vertigo is present, along with head congestion.
  • Sensation of having a plug inside ears (Maybe)
  • Deafness due to swelling of internal ear and eustachian tube.
  • It causes a reduction of the fluid secretion and gradually reduces the swelling.
  • History of chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear
Tinnitus of Low Tone


  • Excellent remedy for tinnitus accompanied by vertigo and deafness of the ears.
  • He complain of a loss of hearing over a period indicating progressive deafness
Hissing Noises


  • Ear Noises / Ringing may be loud and pistol-like.
  • Feeling of blockage in the ears.
  • Itching in the ears and vertigo spells upon are also present.
  • Pressure in the head
  • Dizziness, lightheaded, Disoriented
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Closing the eyes agg
  • History of ear discharges of offensive, fetid
  • Vertigo due to pressure in the inner ear
Noises in Ear + Fainting


  • Echoing sounds in their ears.
  • Gradual hearing impairment + Vertigo immediately after rising from the bed
  • Dizziness with most of his problems such as heart problems (Lach) , Epistaxis, Senile problems (Gels, Sul) etc
  • Neurologic Dizziness (Cocc, Ther, Con)
  • Staggering
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • External stimuli, such as bright lights and sharp noises, trigger sudden attacks of vertigo
  • Agg with eye exertion,
  • Agg with Flower odors, Coffee
  • Agg with Eruption suppression (Lach)
  • Agg in High places (Gels)
  • Agg with Looking up or down
  • Agg with Fluid loss, Fasting
Sharp Pain in Ear


  • Primary symptoms include noises in the ear, vertigo, and hardness of hearing.
  • The sounds may be buzzing, ringing, whizzing in nature.
  • Fullness or obstructed sensation in the ear may be present.
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Head congestion/ Vertigo agg upon closing the eyes (Maybe)
In Case Of BPPV


  • Peripheral Vertigo
  • Objects are moving in a circle during vertigo.
  • Spinning or dizziness when moving the head or standing up.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sudden motion of the head in any direction
  • Amel in an absolute rest position of head without even the slightest motion
  • Vertigo due to dehydration or overheating.
Worse On Movement /Walking


  • Unable to walk straight and staggers while walking.
  • Fainting spells
  • Tendency to fall backward is mainly present
  • Amel by lying down

Tissue Salt Remedies


Dizziness is caused by rush of blood to the head


Vertigo with nervous / Neurological origin


Vertigo in the elderly


Dizziness on getting up (Orthostatic hypotension)


Vertigo due to bilious status


  • Dizziness + vomiting.
  • In sea-sickness alternate KP with NP