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Acne in brief
Two kind of acne (Rosace & Vulgaris)
- R. is specific to the face
- V. affects the whole body
- R. is associated with redness and flushing and prominent arteries
- V. is associated with large pus and scars
ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - juvenile acne: Aur. Caust. Graph. Hep. KALI-BI. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Sel. Sep. sil. Thuj.Tub
Murphy Repertory
- Rosacea remedies: Calc-sil, Carb-v, Lach, Psor, Rhus-t, Sul
- Vulgaris remedies: Aur, Calc-sil, Carb-an, Carb-v, Carbn-s, Caust, hep, Kali-br, Nux-v, Sep, Sil
- Before menstruation: Sul, Puls
- Menstrual problems:Berb, Calc, Cimic, Graph, Kali-br, Puls, Sang, Sep
- PCOD: Thuj, Nat-m
Hard acne
Agar, Bov, Rhus-t
- Comedon: Sel, Tub
- Blackheads and numerous: Sul
- Deep cystic: Nit-ac, Sil, Calc-s
- Pimples: Caust, Graph, Nat-m, Nit-ac
- Burning: Ars, Rhus-t
- Coldness in Touch: Hep
- Cellulitis: Sul, Kali-br, Thuj, Nit-ac
- Inflammation: Chel
- Prolonged pus formation: Calc-s
Clinical course
Accompanied by
- Allergic rashes: Face full of acne + Rashes: Dulc
- Anemia / Emaciation: Ars, Nat-m, Sil, Calc-p
- Chilliness: Sil, Hep
- Itching: Sul
- Greasy skin: Sul, Thuj, Nat-m
- Perspiration: Thuj, Sil
- Stomach problems: Puls, Calc-p
- Scabs (Unhealthy, yellow skin): Calc-s
Agg by
- Fat Eating: Sul
- Heat: Caust, Puls, Calc-s
- Sexual excess: Thuj, Aur, Calc, Kali-br, Sep
- Climate change to wet: Dulc
- Use of cosmetics: Bov
- Eating candy: Arg-n, Lyc, Phos, Sep
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Acne Vulgaris | First line | |
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Acne Rosacea | First line | |
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