- Acute Disease- Dermatological disorders - psoriasis
- Acute Disease- Dermatological disorders - ichthyosis: PHOS
- Acute Disease- Pediatrics - tinea capitis and favus
- Acute Disease- Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections
- Cold / Wet feet (As if wearing wet socks) /Feet remain frozen even under cover
- Burning of the soles of the feet due to sweating (Graph, Sanic, Sil)
- Smelly feet
- Calc is a female remedy
- Early, intense and long menses (Chin, Ferr, Ham, Phos, Sep, Sul)
- Least mental excitement causes menses to come forward (Sul, Tub)
- Nasal Polyp (All-c, Aur, Calc-s, Con, Hydr, Kali-b, Lem-m, Merc, Phos, Sang, Sil, Sul, Teucr, Thuj)
- Morning Voice-Hoarseness without pain (Carb-v, Caust)
- Right chest pain
- He is better when he is constipated.
- Chronic constipation: He must remove his stool mechanically (Aloe, Alum, Plat, Sanic, Sel, Sep, Sil)
- Itching / Tickling of anus (Calc-s, Graph, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos)
- White stool like chalk (Aur-m-n, Chel, Podo)
- Chronic diarrhea, clay-like stools (Dig, Mag-c, Podo, Sil)
- Rheumatism leading to nodosities (Am-m, Calc-f, Sil)
- In Gout + Structural change (Sul). Without that changes (Calc or Lyc)
- Cramps and locking of limbs, esp Fingers / Toes (Cupr, Mag-p, Sec)
- Destruction of bones (Asaf, Calc-f, Calc-s, Hep, Merc, Nit-a., Phos, Sil).
- Bone formation disorders due to Malabsorption (Osteogenesis imperfecta)
- In weakness of tendons caused by trauma, Arn is not enough and Rhus-t can be used instead. But if after Rhus-t, the weakness still remains, give Calc. After Calc, Staph could complete the treatment (Remedy Cycle)
- Drawing pain between the shoulder blades
- Breathing can be impeded with pain.
- Stitches are felt between the scapulae. (Maybe)
- Swelling / Softness / Curvature of the bones/
- Open fontanelles (Aur, Merc, Sil)
Genito -Urinary tract
- Offensive urine (Benz-ac, Canth, Nit-ac, Ter, Viol-t)
- White sediment in urine (Cina, Nat-m, Ph-ac)
- Nocturia (Apis, Bell, Caust, Graph, Kreos, Mag-p, Nat-m, Puls)
- Resistant Milky Leukorrhea, esp in girls (Cann-s, Merc, Puls, Sep) which sometimes leads to Cauterization / Cryo therapy needs Calc, Ars, Sul.
- Thick and gushing Leukorrhea(Am-c, Borx, Calc-p, Cop, Ferr, Kali-m, Puls, Sep)
- Uterine polyps (Ars, Aur, Bell, Calc-p, Con, Lyc, Phos, Sang, Sep, Staph, Teucr, Thuj)
- PCOD (Calc ₳ Thuj)
- Any effort and activity causes uterine bleeding (Nit-ac)
- Vaginal orifice inflammation (Redness / Swelling) (Ars, Borx, Calc-s, Kreos, Merc, Sep)
- Her menses does not stop during breastfeeding. (Sil)
- Otorrhea and purulent secretions (Calc-s, Hep, Merc)
Nutrition / Development
- Malnutrition (Abrot, Calc-p, Nat-m, Sanic, Sul)
- She is thin but her appetite is good (Nat-m)
- Tendency to obesity in young people / Children
- Aversion to meat
- Marasmus emaciation / General muscular atrophy + Large abdomen (Sul)
- Severe weakness / Loss of strength after nervous excitement (Ars, Kali-p, Nux-v, Sep).